Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Mysterious Journal of Edward Tulane

1. How did Abilene love and take care of Edward the rabbit doll? What feelings do Edward have toward his owner?

Abeline takes care of Edward by trying to protect him. She loves Edward so much that she doesn't want to lose him.  The feeling that Edward has towards his owner is annoyance. 2. What characteristics make Edward different from other dolls?

Edward is different from the other dolls because Edward is a rabbit made of china and the other dolls  look like people and are made from different materials.  Edward's characteristics are different from the other dolls because he can have a lot of outfits while the other dolls can't have a lot of outfits because the some of the doll's outfits don't come off. Edward's characteristics are different from the other dolls because he has life and the other dolls don't.

3. How did Edward's life change after he was thrown out of the sea? How did Edward change the lives of Nellie and Bull?

Edward's life was changed after he was thrown out of the sea because he is used to looking at the stars and being loved by a girl named Abeline. Edward changed the lives of Nellie and Bull by making them happy instead of being sad.  Edward changed Nellie's life by making her happy and not lonely Edward also makes her have company whenever she bakes Nellie treats Edward like a baby because whenever she puts him to bed she sings a lullaby to him about a mockingbird.  Edward changed Bull's life by making him have a toy companion to play with and to tell stories with.


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